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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Harris Faulkner
News Anchor for FOX News Channel
FOXNEWSW 09/02/2013
Faulkner: (broke the story of NSA leaker Edward Snowden.) The Guardian’s Glenn Greenwald gave an interview on Brazilian television. He said the feds intercepted e-mails and telephone calls of the people you see here, the Presidents of Mexico and Brazil. Some of the Mexican president's e-mails from before his election, we understand, were accessed. The head of the Brazilian Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee telling reports, quote, “It seems like there are no limits. When the phone of the President of the Republic is monitored. It's hard to imagine what else might be happening.” It's not yet
Catherine Herridge
Chief Intelligence Correspondent for FOX News Channel
FOXNEWSW 09/02/2013
Faulkner continued: clear if the spying is still ongoing, though. Catherine Herridge has the news live here in Washington, Catherine. Herridge: according to Greenwald the NSA program relied on a tool called DNI Presenter which allows for the reading of stored e-mails and the content of social media sites and chat rooms, by the NSA. Analysts say tracking communications, in this case, who the Brazilian president was talking to and in turn the third parties her contacts are communicating with in an effort to map out her network, which can be far me revealing than
Catherine Herridge
Chief Intelligence Correspondent for FOX News Channel
FOXNEWSW 09/02/2013
Herridge continued: intelligence collection say the agency's job is to gather intelligence which informs U.S. policy and that these two programs may in fact been achieving that goal. Faulkner: we're learning about data collection by the drug enforcement administration. So not just the NSA but the DEA. Something that they called the Hemisphere Project. Herridge: This was first reported by "The New York Times" when it received a series of power point slides from a self described whistleblower. As many as
Catherine Herridge
Chief Intelligence Correspondent for FOX News Channel
FOXNEWSW 09/02/2013
Harris, the new allegations of spying are based on interviewer American journalist Glenn Greenwald gave to a Brazilian tv show. Speaking in Portuguese. Greenwald who was first to report on the leaked NSA documents in June, explained the new evidence. Greenwald translator: These documents show very clearly that they had already done the spying, because they don't talk about something they intended to plan. They are actually celebrating the success of the spying.
Catherine Herridge
Chief Intelligence Correspondent for FOX News Channel
FOXNEWSW 09/02/2013
Faulkner: In this story today, Catherine, agents for the Drug Enforcement Administration have had access to even more information than the NSA. Herridge: well, that's right. The sweeping data collection and analysis of information belonging to American citizens took a new turn when
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